Walking Ideas, Information, Encouragement & Podcasts!

The Fall and Winter Walking Path Ahead…

JustLoveWalking-shaded-pathwaySo what’s up for the Fall and Winter walking path ahead?

Forecasts of an unusually extreme winter may seem scary, but will that keep you from the enjoyment of walking?

Certainly NOT!

Just as I’ve been telling you all along here, there are truly so many ways to have fun walking no matter what the weather might be!

There are Fall Festivals to look forward to, apple picking orchards to visit, and parks filled with bewitchingly stunning trees now turning all shades of autumn colors from bright yellow, to orange to vivid cerise to enjoy!  It’s a walker’s paradise as we move forward into fall, so just remember that and enjoy!JustLoveWalking_Red-Fall-Mums

I love the vivid hues of fall mums now adding a dash of zazz almost everywhere!  Don’t you?

And for winter?  Well, worrying about the winter weather won’t solve anything and remember you have options for ways to walk in winter, too—the huge shopping malls, the gym, through the hallways at work, at school, an outdoor mall shopping strip, at home or a trip downtown.

We all survived the extreme weather from last winter and have learned some skills for dealing with it—knowledge is a powerful thing!  I think we’re all ready for ‘what’s up ahead’ this fall/winter and can face it head on!

In our area we’re promised a warm late summer gift of a few days—think I’ll take some long walks to relish every bit of it!

Sandra – JustLoveWalking

Related posts:  

Walk into Fall…a Colorful Experience!

Walking in the Rain?

Best 5 Tips for Successfully Walking the Shopping Mall

Winterscape Dance Walking at home!

P.S.  To tell us what you think, please enter your first name and e-mail address in the form below along with your comment!  I look forward to hearing from you all!  (Only your first name will be displayed with your comments.  Your e-mail address will remain private). 

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